Personal Details
Company Details
Sole ProprietorshipPartnership FirmsPrivate LimitedLLPOthers
Which Industry are you catering to ?* AgricultureAutomobileFinancial ServicesE-commerceEducationEnergyFashion & Textile· FMCG & Consumer BrandsFMCG & Consumer BrandsFood & BeveragesGaming & E-sportsGems & JewelryHealthcare Pharmaceuticals & LifeSciencesHotels & HospitalityLogisticsMedia & EntertainmentReal Estate & Co-working / Co-living, etc.RetailSmart CitiesSports & FitnessSoftware, IT & ITESTelecommunicationTravel3D PrintingAR / VRArtificial Intelligence & Machine LearningElectric VehiclesIoTNanotechnologyRobotics & DronesOther
Business and Product Details
1. Describe your Business in less than 140 characters.*
2. What is the Mission and Vision of the company?*
3. Describe the problem you are solving. And what is the solution available to the consumer right now?*
4. Describe your product or service, highlighting its key features.*
5. What progress have you made in the last six months and what are your plans for the next three years?*
6. What is your growth / scale-up strategy?
Market Opportunity
7. What is your target market and what is the size of your target market?*
8. What steps have you taken to validate the market? Please provide key market data.
9. Who are your closest competitors?*
10. What competitive advantage do you have over your competitors?*
Team Details
11. How did you meet your co-founder and how long have you work together?*
12. What is the current size of your team?* 1-1011-2021-5051-100100+
Funding Details
13. What is the amount of funding you are seeking?* 50 Lacs to 1 crore1 crore to 3 crores3 crores to 5 croresMore than 5 crores
14. Have you raised any funds till now if yes please provide the details?*
15. How are you going to utilize these funds?*
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